Creating Customer Love

Make Your Customers Love You So Much They’ll Never Go Anyplace Else

Contact us today to start designing a program to fit your needs.
If belief leads to trust, and trust leads to customer loyalty, then consider this one of the most practical handbooks on how to start a love affair with your customers. To Dave Ratner, an independent retailer for nearly 4 decades, it’s always been about creating unshakeable relationships with his customers.
It’s a path that has helped him, and other independents like him, beat the big box retailers. Even the U.S. Congress has called upon Dave to share his retail insights and advice. His story has been covered by the Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press, and CNN. Dave is a sought after motivational speaker because of his humor and common-sense approach to business and customer relations.
If ever there was a down-to-earth roadmap for business success that you could start implementing today, this is it.

Howling Reviews For Creating Customer Love:

Julie Gardner, Executive VP and Chief Marketing Officer, Kohl's Department StoresDave has captured the essence of being a successful entrepreneur in a captivating and humorous style that is both fascinating and inspiring. This is a must read book for insights into the strategy, creativity, and challenges in developing and sustaining a successful business.

Julie Gardner, Executive VP and Chief Marketing Officer, Kohl’s Department Stores

In Creating Customer Love, Dave Ratner provides a clear, common sense handbook for smaller retailers seeking a competitive edge against larger big box competitors. Just like David and Goliath, Dave uses customer relationships as his ‘slingshot’ to bring down the retail goliaths.

John R. Goodman, President, Pareto Marketing Inc., formerly Senior VP Marketing and
Customer Service, Helzberg Diamonds, a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway

Dave writes from the heart and has lots of practical ideas that you can try out today. His style is fun and informal.

Mike Abt, Abt Electronics
Any business person would be crazy not to listen to Dave.
Bolivar J. Bueno, Co-author of The Power of Cult Branding and Why People Talk
Dave is just not bright enough to use big words, so everybody can understand him.
Ellen Ratner, Dave’s wife
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